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A precursor to the development of cryo-EM technology in the 1980s, Jacques Dubochet, winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, is bringing a fundamental tool that is propelling the development of biomedical research into treatments for cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and other debilitating diseases to new limits.


The Dubochet Center for Imaging (DCI) is a joint initiative of the EPFL, the University of Lausanne, the University of Geneva and the University of Bern.

The DCI is composed of three units: The DCI-Lausanne, located at the border between the EPFL and the University of Lausanne; the DCI-Geneva is located in the Science II building of the University of Geneva and the DCI Bern, located in the Insititue of Anatomy at UNIBE.

These units form the DCI, a service platform for cryo-electron microscopy. The DCI operates several high-end cryo-EM instruments to study biological molecules, viruses, bacterial, micro-crystals, small organelles, or sections of biological cells or tissue.

The DCI has the expertise and is equipped to perform the entire structural analysis pipeline, covering the preparation of the samples, image and tomography data collection with electron microscopes, micro-electron diffraction (micro-ED), computer image processing, and atomic model building.

Get in touch

To initiate a project at the DCI-Lausanne, please visit the DCI-Lausanne website.

Alex Myasnikov
Head of the DCI Lausanne
+41 21 693 04 44

To initiate a project at the DCI Geneva facility, please visit the DCI-Geneva website.

Christoph Bauer
Head of the DCI Geneva

To initiate a project at the DCI Bern facility, please visit the DCI-Bern website.


DCi Council: responsible of all decisions involving the 4 institutions
Audrey Leuba
Martin Vetterli
Frédéric Herman
Christian Leumann
Christel Genoud


The Executive Board is the highest organ of the DCI. It is composed of the President of the EPFL and the Rektors of the University of Lausanne and the University of Geneva.

2 Professors per institution with chair changing each year
Paul Guichard
Sébastien Castelltort
Francesco Stellacci
Andrea Ablasser
Dimitri Fotiadis
Hugues Abriel
Stephan Gruber
David Baud


The Executive Board is the highest organ of the DCI. It is composed of the President of the EPFL and the Rektors of the University of Lausanne and the University of Geneva.

Alexander Myasnikov
Operational Director
Henning Stahlberg
Scientific Director
Bertrand Beckert
Emiko Uchikawa
Sergei Nazarov
Inayathulla Mohammed
Florent Wenger
Mireille Fasmeyer Barile
Christoph Bauer
Operational Director
Robbie Loewith
Academic Director
Céline Besnard
Andrew Howe
David Karstenmueller
Operational Director
Benoit Zuber
Academic Director